Styles & Periods

Social Realism
At its core, Social Realism was an artistic movement that sought to illustrate the many hardships and struggles that common people endure. In the United States, Social Realism has ties to other movements, specifically American Regionalism. The Social Realists can also be compared to the 19th century realists, as they are united by the desire to bring attention to the reality, and in many cases, the haunting beauty of the underprivileged. In 1929, the Great Depression left millions of Americans unemployed, and set the scene for extreme poverty and hardship. The very essence of the nation's plight could be seen in the droves of migrants and the working poor. The Social Realists gave the Depression a face, an identity that has endured. The most well-known painting from the Social Realism movement is Grant Wood's American Gothic, a typical example of the style. Notable artists connected to the movement include Thomas Hart Benton, Edward Hopper, and, in Mexico, Frida Kahlo.
- 20th Century Architecture
- 20th Century Photography
- 20th Century Sculpture
- Abstract Expressionism
- Aegean Art
- African Art
- Archaic Asian Art
- Art Nouveau
- Arte Povera
- Ashcan School
- Avant-Garde
- Barbizon School
- Baroque
- Bauhaus
- Body Art
- Buddhist Art
- Byzantine Art
- Carolingian Art
- Celtic Art/ Early Medieval Art
- Chinese Painting
- Color-Field Painting
- Computer Art
- Conceptual Art
- Constructivism
- Contemporary Art in Asia
- Cubism
- Dadaism
- De Stijl
- Die Blaue Vier
- Die Brücke
- Divisionism
- Early Christian Art
- Early Renaissance
- Earthworks
- Egyptian Art
- Environmental Art
- Etruscan Art
- Expressionism
- Fauvism
- Feminist Art
- Funk Art
- Futurism
- Gothic Art
- Graffiti Art
- Greek Art
- Happenings
- Hard-Edge Painting
- Hellenistic Art
- High Renaissance
- Impressionism
- Indian Art
- International Gothic
- Islamic Art
- Kinetic Art
- Korean Ceramics
- Mannerism
- Metaphysical Painting
- Minimalism
- Modernism
- Native American Art
- Near Eastern Art
- Neoclassicism
- Neo-Expressionism
- Neoplasticism
- Northern Renaissance
- Oceanic Art
- Optical Art
- Ottonian Art
- Outsider Art
- Performance Art
- Photo Realism
- Pop Art
- Post-Impressionism
- Postminimalism
- Post-Painterly Abstraction
- Precisionism
- Prehistoric Art
- Pre-Raphaelites
- Process Art
- Public Art
- Purism
- Realism
- Regionalism
- Rococo
- Roman Art
- Romanesque
- Romanticism
- Social Realism
- Spatialism
- Suprematism
- Surrealism
- Symbolism
- Synthetism
- Tonalism
- Video Art
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